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We've partnered with BisectHosting, read more about it here.



🔧 Changed

  • Updated electron to 31.7.6

  • Enabled changelogs for CurseForge Modpacks

🐞 Fixed

  • Actually save modpack settings when toggling the IPv4 option, this before required something else to change before this option would save.

  • Issues with App Channels not persisting on app restarts

  • Forge 1.20.3 and Forge 1.21.3 not being able to start

  • Log saving on on-standard User home directories will now correctly go to the Download/Desktop folder even if your home folder is no in the C drive on windows

  • The default category will no longer vanish if you only have one instance and you move that instance to a custom category

  • Mods on curseforge modpacks will now correctly show again

  • Resolved API issues that would cause ResourcePacks & ShaderPacks to download into the mods folder

  • Improved our internal testing processes to ensure app updating failures are not possible going forwards


We're excited to announce our new partnership with BisectHosting! You can read all about it on our blog page.

🎉 Added

  • Zip based log exporting

  • Prefer IPv4 option to the instance settings for when your instance is having networking issues

🗑 Removed

  • Cloud saves as this was provided by our previous partner and not used by many users

  • MineTogether integration

  • Cloud/Remote based log uploading

  • Redundant DNS over HTTPS features

  • Mojang domain proxying

  • Cloud based pack sharing. This will be added back as more standard Zip exporting in the next update

🔧 Changed

  • Updated the mods page a little, remove the CurseForge logo, added the title as a link, and we now show the file name


🎉 Added

  • An improved launching experience! You will now see startup progress of the instance on the launching modal :D

  • Improved the Microsoft login flow and improved the pack startup flow when an account is not logged in

🔧 Changed

  • Updated to Electron 31.7.3

🐞 Fixed

  • Various modals overlapping with other parts of the app

  • In-App Alerts text will no longer overflow the screen when a long message is alerted


🎉 Added

  • Open mods folder to the Modpack Mods page

🔧 Changed

  • Added a Don't show again button to the Potential instance issues modal

  • Improved the JVM arguments input and added reset to instance defaults (When in an instance) and reset to vanilla defaults buttons to the input

🐞 Fixed

  • If an instance is detected to have an issue, the modal is no longer hidden behind the starting instance modal


🔧 Changed

  • Made a minor improvement to the authentication checks on startup to allow for odd configurations of accounts from Minecrafts APIs


🎉 Added

  • You can now start and run multiple instances at the same time

🔧 Changed

  • Minecraft/Microsoft authentication has been rewritten, this should resolve an issue that caused the app to not be able to update your profile

  • You will need to log your Minecraft account back into the app


🎉 Added

  • Advanced settings page that allows for more control over some of the app's internals

  • Advanced settings page now includes an option to disable (Neo)Forge processor hash checking. This is not recommended unless you are experiencing issues with installing Forge / NeoForge modpacks on Linux Fedora

  • Reset to default button on the JVM args in instance settings and instance defaults

🔧 Changed

  • Instance relocation has been moved to the App settings page instead of the instance settings page

  • Instances settings title has been changed to Instance Defaults to better reflect its purpose

  • JVM arguments are no longer forced onto instances, our original defaults, which reflect Mojang's recommendations, are now inserted into the Instances Defaults JVM args options as well as retroactively being added to all existing instances. New instances will pull from the Instance Defaults. This allows advanced users complete control over the JVM args. If you do not know what this is, we recommend that you do not change these values.

🐞 Fixed

  • You can now relocate instances when the original directory is no longer available (e.g moved, unmounted, etc)

  • Cancelling an instance update will no longer remove it from the instance list

  • Instance defaults will now actually use the memory setting for new instances


Bug fixes and improvements

🎉 Added

  • We've refreshed the 'empty library' screen to be clearer and more helpful when you have no modpacks installed

🔧 Changed

  • Updated OW Electron to resolve a few issues and focus stealing when the app is minimized / not in focus

🐞 Fixed

  • The mods selection screen will now auto select the latest version of a mod when you first open the screen

  • Operating system based path joining causing the open folder feature to not work on some systems

  • Added a special case for 429 errors when authenticating with Mojang to make the error message clearer

  • The mod selector not resetting the mod loader when changing to "None"

  • The app's 'extended' changelogs not showing correctly


Bug fixes and improvements

🎉 Added

  • You can now disable our helper mod injection in the modpack settings. Typically these mods help speed up modpack loading and keep the app and your instance in sync but sometimes they can cause issues. When this is the case, you can now disable them with ease 🔥

🐞 Fixed

  • Selecting "Recommended" in the Java settings of a modpack should now work again

  • Right clicking on a modpack card will now correctly show the folders you can open when hovering over "Open Folder"

  • When opening a folder the app will now always use the systems native behavior for opening folders. This stops the folders from opening behind the app on some systems

  • Resolved an issue related to update cancelling causing the app to go into an infinite update attempt loop

  • If for what ever reason the app fails to download a library from our library mirror server, we will now fallback to the official library server. This should help with some download issues on some packs


🗑 Removed

  • Legacy login fallback links as these are no longer needed

🔧 Changed

  • When in offline mode, the app will now attempt to use your profiles UUID and name to startup Minecraft. This should prevent weird issues like your inventory being lost between loads.

🐞 Fixed

  • Users with special characters will no longer have issues starting Minecraft when using an embedded Java version

  • Java selection in the modpack settings page should now work correctly again

  • User credential storage should now be more reliable


With the release of Minecraft 1.20.6, we've had to make some changes to our Java installer to make sure it plays nicely with the new version of Minecraft.

🎉 Added

  • CurseForge mods will now have a "CurseForge" badge in the mod details that will take you to the mod page on the CurseForge website

🗑 Removed

  • Legacy Minecraft Login remaining code has been removed as this is no longer supported by Mojang

🔧 Changed

  • Made some minor modifications to the app to better handle having no internet connection

  • When installing a modern Minecraft modpack on an Arm system, the app should now install an Arm compatible version of Java

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed some instances not being abled to be installed due to empty space at the end of the instance name.

  • Fixed the apps internal titlebar still showing when the app is being started

  • Fixed the Java installer not working for 1.20.6+

  • Added missing Java licenses to our open source page

  • Installing custom mods would result in their CurseForge link being set to "Project Page", this has now been fixed

  • Possible fix for Linux systems that have issues with sandboxing when using Electron


This versions also brings the availability of our Electron only version of the FTB App for Windows! You can get it from the FTB website.

🎉 Added

  • CurseForge mods will now have a "CurseForge" badge in the mod details that will take you to the mod page on the CurseForge website

🔧 Changed

  • All authentication methods now use the ftb:// protocol instead of a local web server. This should improve the reliability of the authentication process

  • We now refresh your Minecraft Authentication token if it's within 6 hours of expiring to ensure you can continue to play your instances without interruption

  • Improved the wording around the "Instance relocation system" so it is clear that this is a relocation process and not a just a settings value

  • Ram will now actually save if you change it via the input box

  • Ram values now show the correct ram calculation. Thanks to @bryce-schultz

  • Hopefully fixed the app icon not working on linux machines

  • Some modpack names breaking the file path due to trailing spaces

  • Instances can now be relocated to basically anywhere instead of having safeguards around nested folders

  • Java Licenses not linking to their respective Github Pages correctly


We're still working hard on getting our Electron only version of the FTB App ready for windows (It's already out for MacOS and Linux) but in the meantime we've got some new features and fixes for you!

🎉 Added

  • Instance pinning in the Library (Right click and select "Pin" to pin an instance)

  • Modpack favourites, you can now add modpacks to your favourites / save for later list to make them easier to find for later

  • New and improved instance logs viewer

  • You can now filter logs by type (Info, Warn, Error, Debug)

  • Auto scrolling should now behave correctly

  • We've moved to JetBrains Mono font for better readability

  • We've improved the log line colors for better readability

🔧 Changed

  • Instances are now stored under a system friendly, human readable name in the instances folder instead of being stored under a UUID (Unique Identifier)

  • Reworked our MineTogether integration to be more reliable

  • Reworked the settings storage to be more reliable

  • Reworked the way we handle some credentials to improve security

  • Reworked the Overwolf backend to be more reliable

  • Updated to Electron 28

  • We no longer inject our startup mods for user created packs

🐞 Fixed

  • Overwolf not being able to relaunch the app after it was closed

  • Electron auto updating should now work correctly when updating

  • Electron ftb:// protocol should now work on linux correctly

  • Forge and Neoforge installer not working for 1.20.4+

  • Fixed a few possible memory leak locations


Bug fixes and improvements

🔧 Changed

  • We've added a lot more logging to the app in general to help us track down issues in the future

  • The app log uploader in the app settings has been improved to support for logging locations and include more information

🐞 Fixed

  • An issue causing the user settings values to read incorrectly causing MineTogether sessions and Instance directories to be interpreted incorrectly

  • We've moved over to a new backing library for our internal app communications system. We've already seen great improvements in reliability from the limited testing we've done so far.

  • A couple of issues causing install issues

  • The app should now properly throw an error when it fails to start an install


Bug fixes and improvements

🎉 Added

  • The app changelog popup will now show older changelogs when the data is available

🐞 Fixed

  • Instances not being able to be migrated to different locations... Whoops! Thanks

  • Windows not being able to be moved on Linux. Thanks\

  • A minor issue causing a scrollbar to be present on app load

  • Improved web request timeout code to provide better reliability for slow internet

  • We now update your profile data when your Minecraft token is refreshed. Thanks to


Quick hotifx!

🐞 Fixed

  • Mac & Linux issue causing update issues


Context menus! Bug fixes! More instance settings

🎉 Added

  • Context menus!

  • You can now right click on your instances and the settings icon to open a context menu with some useful options

  • We'll be adding more context menus in the future!

  • Rewritten the move instance code to be more reliable, safer and provide proper feedback

  • Global RAM slider for all new instances in the main app settings instance settings

  • You can now set shell arguments for your instances

  • This is primarily for advanced users but can be used to set things like application wrappers for Java to run within

  • This also has a global setting in the main app's settings

  • Packs now have a "Report issues" button that will take you to the issue tracker for that pack if one is available

  • Changelog History! You can find this in the settings page under "Info -> Changelogs"

🔧 Changed

  • We no longer download 0 byte files from the CDN reducing the amount of small files we download. This also fixes some issues with instances failing to install.

  • There is now a message that lets you know that the Modloader step of instance creation can take a while

  • MacOS and Linux now have a nicer platform name for the app. Instead of "FTBApp" it is now "FTB App"

  • Merged app info and app settings into the same options page

🐞 Fixed

  • An issue not allowing you to downgrade or upgrade instances...

  • Modpacks sometimes showing the wrong pack provider


Instance creation, Cloud instances, improved mod management, performance improvements, and more!

🎉 Added

  • Instance creation 🎉

  • You can now create your own instances either from Vanilla or a common Modloader. We currently support Forge, Fabric, and NeoForge

  • You can now set your own icon for the instance and can provide a category for the instance

  • Cloud instances! ☁️

  • Firstly, we'd like to apologize for the delay in getting this working again but we're happy to announce that cloud instances are back!

  • You can now sync your instances to the cloud as long as you have a paid Minetogether Plan OR you are a CreeperHost customer

  • You can set to sync your instances from the Instance setting page

  • Complete instance rewrite

  • You can now queue instance installs and this no longer locks up the app whilst they are installing

  • Updating packs also no longer locks up the app

  • You can now create your own instances!

  • Set categories for your instances

  • Set your own icon for your instances

  • We've greatly improved the load time of the app and modpacks

  • We've redesigned the Pack Cards and Pack preview (When you're searching for a pack) design and improved their overall usability

  • You can now override an instances ModLoader as well and update it

  • Instance locking is now enabled by default

  • This locks adding custom mods and changing the ModLoader of the instance but can be unlocked via the instance settings

  • News page is now the Blog page and now loads the blog posts from the website in a nicer format

  • Custom content

  • You can now update mods you have added to an unlocked instance

  • You can now toggle mods on and off

  • You can now search for updates for mods

  • Modpack release channels

  • We have introduced Modpack release channels to the app, by default you will only be recommended stable modpack versions but you can either change this on a per pack basis or globally via the settings page or app settings respectively

  • And a bunch of other nice to have quality of life improvements, there are too many to list here

🗑 Removed

  • MineTogether chat and friends list has been removed for now

  • We're working on a new chat system that will be available in the future. We felt that the current system was not up to the standard we wanted and so we've removed it for now and are working on a new system to replace it

  • MineTogether server listings

  • Again we're working on a new system that will be available in the future

🔧 Changed

  • The settings page has been moved around and tidied up

  • We've improved the way we handle web requests which should improve consistency and reliability

  • We've dumped a bunch of old code that was no longer used which has reduced the size of the app, a 10MB reduction on all platforms, nothing to be sniffed at!

🐞 Fixed

  • Changelogs will no longer try and load on CurseForge modpacks as they are not available right now

  • Noticeable lag and performance issues when navigating the app and loading data

  • MacOS had a tiny 3.2 pixel gap at the bottom of the app... Yes this is the kinda thing we fix 😂

  • A bunch of other bugs, crashes, and issues that we've found and fixed

  • MacOS and Linux users will no longer redownload the CreeperHost advert every time the ad refreshes. We now cache the advert to reduce bandwidth usage


Hotfix for Mac & Linux

🐞 Fixed

  • Reverted ARM support from the JRE downloading whilst we work on a fix


Minor fixes

🎉 Added

  • Improved support for MacOS Arm/Arm systems. When a modpack is installed using an Arm system, if available, an Arm version of Java will be used automatically. This greatly improves performance for Minecraft.

🐞 Fixed

  • Links within modpack descriptions & changelogs will no longer navigate within the app causing the app to deadlock on a website.


Fixes and improvements

🔧 Changed

  • Improved logging around authentication to better help debug issues

  • Added retry attempts to login which should help with some login issues

  • Updated internal DNS fallback ip to our new one (Our DNS is always the last to be used. Your own, then Cloudflare, Google and finally ours)

🐞 Fixed

  • Spelling of socks5 on the proxy settings page


Fixes and improvements

🎉 Added

  • NeoForge support 👀

🐞 Fixed

  • Proxy settings not working correctly when set to socks5

  • Artwork urls not working when a space is present in the url


Minor fixes

🐞 Fixed

  • Made the admin warning on Overwolf a passive warning that will not show after opting to continue running the app in admin mode. We do not recommend ever running the FTB App on any simple in admin mode!


Speed! Needs more speeds!

🎉 Added

  • A check on Windows / Overwolf to ensure the app is not being run as admin. This prevents incorrect file permissions being set on essential files

🔧 Changed

  • Greatly improved the loading speed of the app startup. We plan on a lot more of these improvements, but this one alone has seen up to 3 times quicker startup times.

  • Improved logging on Electron versions of the app

  • Expanded the internal app log uploader to include more logs and more detailed information. This should reduce the reliance on our external debugger tool.

🐞 Fixed

  • A long-standing issues causing MineTogether Logins to continually get logged out.

  • Added a way to ensure the subprocess is already closed before attempting to start a new one. This only effects Overwolf, but should prevent the app sometimes having connection issues.

  • Hopefully fixed the news page not loading on Overwolf...

  • Rare installation issues caused by corrupted .etag files.


Launch page improvements, new font, and more!

🎉 Added

  • We've updated the font to something a little more modern and readable. It might take a little getting used to, but we think you'll like it.

  • You can now set the name of the instance before installing it! 🎉

  • The launch page is now more readable when using light mode.

  • The launch page now has an 'instance actions' modal that can be opened with the button next to 'kill instance'. This gives you access to the instance folders whilst the pack is running. A side note here is that we do plan to allow you to use the app whilst a pack is running, but there is a lot more work involved to get us to that point.

🔧 Changed

  • The instance version modal has seen a bit of a facelift. It's now a little more compact and easier to read.

  • You can now double-click the title bar to expand the window and restore it to its previous size. This should be more inline with native applications.

🐞 Fixed

  • Modals now know about the ad sidebar and will offset themselves accordingly. If you pay for MineTogether and your ads are disabled, you won't see this change.

  • A bunch of issues with the selection input not working properly.

  • Some visual inconsistencies with input fields and labels

  • More authentication issues with sessions timing out at weird times. We're still working on this one... It seems there is always something new to fix here.


All the fixes! General stability improvements of the app. This release is a fix release to the previous 1.5.5 version.

🎉 Added

  • Added support for the Quilt modloader. No... We have no packs planned for quilt right now but this improves our support for CurseForge modpacks

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed instance backups attempting to save on install when the instance file does not exist

  • Prevented long standing error from showing in the app when starting a pack. This error was caused by Minecraft Telemetry

  • Hopefully fixed most of the issues related to asset validation

  • Resolved issues with the instance.json corrupting and failing to load. We now store a backup (.bak) file to fallback onto if for what ever reason the original fails to be read

  • Prevented non-directory's from being read as instances if they're within the instances folder

  • Improved instance deletion stability


All the fixes! General stability improvements of the app

🎉 Added

  • Added support for the Quilt modloader. No... We have no packs planned for quilt right now but this improves our support for CurseForge modpacks

🐞 Fixed

  • Prevented long standing error from showing in the app when starting a pack. This error was caused by Minecraft Telemetry

  • Hopefully fixed most of the issues related to asset validation

  • Resolved issues with the instance.json corrupting and failing to load. We now store a backup (.bak) file to fallback onto if for what ever reason the original fails to be read

  • Prevented non-directory's from being read as instances if they're within the instances folder

  • Improved instance deletion stability


Microsoft authentication overhaul! (Microsoft authentication: Chuckles... I'm in danger)

🎉 Added

  • Small improvement to the log screen when starting a pack, it's now got pretty colours! 🌈 it's much easier to see errors, warning and normal information on each line.

🔧 Changed

  • We no longer rerun the forge installer if nothing has changed on an update of the modpack. This means quicker updates :D

🐞 Fixed

  • Completely rewrote the authentication system for Microsoft Logins. This comes with a bunch of things but the main ones being:\n- Much better feedback to the user on why a login failed. All known issues now have documentation and solutions written up and presented to you in a readable way.\n- Proper redirects to re-login if we're no longer able to refresh your account details... This normally happens when your Microsoft account changes in 'some' way.\n- Improved loading UI\n- We now show a link you can copy instead of a button you can click when links aren't opening browsers properly... that't was a bit of a 🤦‍♀️ moment...\n- No more 'Login failed' but not providing a reason.

  • Small spelling error on the install modal. Thanks @FredeEB (#896)


Windows Java Update, really small update to resolve a rare error causing the app to not start

🔧 Changed

  • Updated the Java Version used for the App's subprocess to a newer version to resolve a rare windows fatal error when starting the app


Better error catching

🔧 Changed

  • Updated some log messages for better debugging of authentication issues

🐞 Fixed

  • An issue causing crashes to not be caught properly by our subprocess

  • Duplicate instances causing load issues


All the fixes! 🐞 🔨

🎉 Added

  • A new news page layout to improve the visibility of information

  • Improved login flow for the Overwolf version of the app

  • A greatly improved fallback system for DNS over HTTPS, this is intended to improve overall connectivity to the FTB services regardless of the type of network setup you have on your router or on your pc

🗑 Removed

  • A bunch of dead and unused code which should make the overall app a bit smaller

🔧 Changed

  • Settings resolution now used a new layout, which should improve usability

  • The entire system behind how instances are handled has had a complete rewrite, meaning the instances should be much more consistent and less error-prone

🐞 Fixed

  • An issue causing the Changelog not to show on a slow start of the app

  • Issues with the proxy settings not applying correctly


In this release, we've been hard at work improving the stability and reliability of the app.

🎉 Added

  • A brand new support section to the app. This section is just the start of the support system we want to integrate into the app but it's a great move forwards!

  • An order server button that'll take you right the CreeperHost website with recommendations for the best server to get for the modpack you selected.

  • We now, by default, use CloudFlares DNS when making network requests. This means, if there is an issue with your DNS / Network, it hopefully won't affect your experience.

  • Improved the memory performance of our user agent (sub process). You should see less RAM usage.

  • Updated the App icons for Mac & Linux!

  • The ability to show sponsor spots on the app.

🗑 Removed

  • The support topics on the right side of the app in preference for the support tab on the left.

🔧 Changed

  • Performance improvements on the Modpacks API which should speed up the app overall.

  • Updated the login with Microsoft screen to show the login URL in-case the browser doesn't open.

  • Upon failing to download an asset during the validating assets step of a modpack starting, we will now fall back onto HTTP1 and retry. This should really help with assets causing the game to fail to start.

  • Modified the forge installer to use our fallback systems when a network request fails. This should help a lot with forge install issues.

🐞 Fixed

  • A major issue with our inner communication system between the frontend (The bit you're seeing) and our user agent (The thing that you can't see). This should resolve a lot of instability and random errors.

  • A rare issue causing install issues with CurseForge packs due to odd pack names.

  • Properly handle rare instances when a specific version file is missing in the instance. (causes install / update / play issues)

  • Using the socks variant of the proxy settings

  • Modals sometimes causing issues with the right side of the app

  • The app installer on Linux! Thanks to everyone #536 that helped test and debug the issue.


This update resolves some common crashes, and adds proxies, offline mode and a way to recover from downloads not working.

🎉 Added

  • A new proxy option in settings that provides the ability to configure http and sock4 proxies.

  • Offline mode! As long as you've logged into a Minecraft at least once on the app, you will now see a play offline button in the 3 dots menu. If for some reason you can not connect to the Minecraft servers, you will also be present this as an option.

  • A new warning before updating to an 'unstable' version. What this means is if you try and update to a 'alpha' or 'beta' version of the pack. A warning will pop up and let you know what's changed and give you the ability to back out from the update.

  • A warning for archived versions. When a pack version get moved into archived (Meaning it's broken!), you will no longer be able to download this version and if your pack is already on this version, the app will recommend a way to move off of the unstable / broken version.

🗑 Removed

  • Logging of potentially sensitive information (to your local machine)

🔧 Changed

  • The login window now forgets the last session, so the same account doesn't get saved after logging in.

  • Improved the error flow when issues happen with Minecraft accounts.

  • We now fall back onto our own proxy when a download fails to resolve due to a networking issue.

  • Added more verbose SSL logging for an instance that a pack fails to download due to SSL issues.

  • Added a close icon to the version's modal.

🐞 Fixed

  • A common error causing Minecraft instances to load almost all the way, then fail to finish loading.

  • Packs without artwork would crash the installation process...

  • Private packs not being able to be installed due to the app not thinking it's private...

  • A rare issue that causes instances not to show when the app starts


Just a few patches :D

🔧 Changed

  • Added the packs version number to the startup screen.

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed legacy instances not knowing how to download assets due to Microsoft taking a service offline.

  • Extended logging for download failures to help debug possible issues.

  • Fixed rare install error not being reported causing an instance to error incorrectly

  • Fixed missing logs with authentication masking true reasons to why an user failed to login.

  • Prevent fatal errors when file can't be read for it's file size. (instance validation)


Version 1.4.0 of the App brings FTB Backups 2 integration, a new pack actions button for quick actions, and a complete rewrite of pack searching.

🎉 Added

  • FTB Backups 2 integration! You can now delete and restore your world backups from within the app. Upon a restore attempt, your entire instance will be backed up just in case anything goes wrong... if it does, we'll put everything back the way it was before and let you know something went wrong!

  • A completely rewritten pack searching page. Although it looks the same, all the code behind it has been rewritten to make it faster, more reliable, and hopefully produce accurate results.

  • Pack actions that bring a new 3 dots button next to the play button on the pack page. This gives you access to open some essential folders quickly and the ability to delete, duplicate and share the modpack.

  • Added total playtime to your instance pages.

🔧 Changed

  • Extended the width of the pack install modal

  • Tidied up some metadata around the instance page.

🐞 Fixed

  • Hopefully finally resolved the issue with modpack installs getting stuck on 'Processing 0.00%'!

  • Search showing a 'Type error'

  • Search not showing accurate results

  • Pack pages showing a blank page in rare cases


This update brings a load of quality of life changes to the app that fix old bugs and improves existing functionality.

🎉 Added

  • You can now manually browse your computer to find the correct JRE / Java install that you'd like to use for pack / instance #467

🔧 Changed

  • Removed the plays counter from any CurseForge pack as it was always 0

  • Added released, updated and version release dates to their respective areas. #263

  • Added better feedback for when the Microsoft authentication server is having trouble #606

  • Expanded the size of the 'Install' modal for pack installs and updates so you can see the full name of a pack version #578

  • Added some better feedback around various errors

🐞 Fixed

  • A rare chance of a pack / instance duplicating upon a pack update. #599

  • Fixed a rather annoying issue causing the app to think the Minecraft profiles file to be empty causing authentication issues

  • CurseForge packs with a : in their name not installing correctly. #558, #538

  • Java selection being ignored upon pack startup causing Minecraft to start with the embedded version of Java regardless #535

  • Java selection not working as expected on the pack / instance settings page

  • Odd issues around moving your instance folder, it should be more reliable now... #458

  • Fixed settings always showing as 'saved succesfully' when the save fails...

  • Fixed searching for mods yeilding no results. #621


We've added changelogs and fixed a few annoying bugs.

🎉 Added

  • A new fancy update screen! 👋

🐞 Fixed

  • An issue that would cause mods to install incorrect dependencies

  • Hopefully resolved an issue causing users authentication data to become corrupted

  • The CreeperHost button in the bottom left not working... 😢


Just a couple of Quality of life fixes

🎉 Added

  • A cleaned up crash screen for when a instance (Minecraft) crashes. You can now see what caused the crash and that is has crashed.

🔧 Changed

  • Improved some of the downloading / installing pack logic to prevent some annoying issues

  • We're no longer putting the Mincecraft logs into our app logs which should help our support team help you


We've had a lot of reports from people having issues logging into Microsoft and Mojang... We've tried to fix as many of them in this issues but we're still figuring out some really strange ones... :/ Hopefully these bugs will be squished as quickly as possible! We've sorted all the ones effecting the most people.

🎉 Added

  • A better responsive feel to the app throughout. We've cleaned up a lot of the apps layout when the screen gets a bit too small. You shouldn't see anymore awkward button overlaps anymore 👀

  • Show a much better error message when sign-in fails

  • Added back Mojang login for any country that can't yet migrate their account

  • Show a warning on each update modal that tells you to backup your world before updating!

🗑 Removed

  • Removed the option to 'Load in game' instead of in the app

  • Minecraft logging in the main logs...

🔧 Changed

  • Added better logging for when an authentication request fails to better help us debug your issue

🐞 Fixed

  • Odd java options being passed from external sources causing RAM to be capped at under 1G...

  • Forge installer issues on 1.18.x versions of the game for Curse packs

  • Improved timeouts on network requests to allow for slower connections.

  • An issue causing 1.6 and other older Minecraft versions not working in online mode


We're no longer using the Minecraft Launcher! This will likely cause issues to start with but as we progress we hope to quickly get any issues sorted quickly. You will notice you now need to sign-in within the app. This is 100% secure and we even recommend you check out the source code if you don't believe us! We don't store any sensitive account information, nor do we want it. We only hold what is absolutely necessary and upon that, we only store this data on your computer.

🎉 Added

  • A fancy new login modal! You can sign in with your Minecraft account or your Microsoft account. We recommend migrating and using your Microsoft account

  • A new pack starting screen that shows you the current progress of the pack starting and the packs logs.

🔧 Changed

  • We no longer use the Minecraft Launcher. This means you'll no longer see the Minecraft Launcher after you press play on a modpack.

  • Improved the pack verification system to try and ensure a pack has not been currupted or broken upon install.

  • Expanded our install solution making pack installs more consistent

  • Minor load time improvements by bundling the our font with the app

  • An improved popup to show what has gone wrong whilst starting a pack

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix an issue causing older forge installers to not install forge properly

  • The sidebar not always disabling properly when a pack is installing or being played

  • Fixed the 'Last played' text on pack pages to show when you last played the pack

  • The mods list not showing on non-installed packs


Mostly just small QOL and consistency changes in this update... we've improved a lot of little layout issues and sorted out some bugs.

🎉 Added

  • Search field to the packs Mod List, you can now search for mods to see if a mod is installed in your modpack #268

  • Added back the MineTogether chat support to the app, if you have the MineTogether integration setup (in settings) you will now be able to chat with your friends on MineTogether, add friends, and handle Friend requests

  • We're expecting this to a bit buggy whilst we work out all the details but it's working right now so we thought we'd enable it again.

  • The "Install pack" page now uses the same layout / design as the "Instance" page with minor differences

🔧 Changed

  • Sorted Mod List of packs alphabetically

  • When viewing the "Install pack" page, you can now see a list of the mods that a Modpack includes

  • More clean up the apps design

  • Moved "Find more mods" out of the tabs area into the mods list area

  • Cleaned up spacing and minor UX issues around the place

  • Cleaned up the design for the modal that pops up when you install a modpack

  • Cleaned up the size issues with modals (pop ups)

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed an issue causing the "Search for more mods" page to show duplicate results

  • Ads not always showing for all users

  • This can also be down to how Overwolf ads work and thus you made still not have an Ad show but the underlaying bug should have been resolved :D

  • Fixed a really annoying bug where a pack install progress would instantly complete...

  • Fixed Cursepacks not installing depending on which page you clicked install on... Whoops


Note: Some changes may have already been made on the Windows version of the app. I've listed them again as we've put a lot of effort into making the Windows App, Linux and MacOS run the same code for all OS's. This allows us to update much faster and avoid maintaining mostly duplicate code. TL;DR, it's all new, it's all fancy, enjoy, if it's broken, please please please report it.

🎉 Added

  • A new and updated style to most areas of the App, it's not completely new but it should feel a bit more polished and clean.

  • A progress bar to the apps loading. It's only visual but it shows that something is happening

  • All new pack cards (instance cards) that cleans up the design and makes it simpler to understand

  • A replacement report screen that links to our support website until we've fixed our old report screen and made it less... bad?

  • A Titlebar! It's nice, will we keep it? who knows, I like it though, dont you?

  • Another sidebar (this time on the right!) to show helpful links and an ad... to support FTB 🎉

  • Redesigned the pack pages to be a little less... hmmm... jank, enjoy!

  • Redesigned the Settings page, this is a big one as it puts everything in clear categories and gives a proper description of each option!

  • The ability to add CurseForge mods on the Modpack Page's Mods tab. Simply click get more mods and you'll be able to search for any mod that is for your Modpacks Minecraft Version and Mod loader version (Yes, fabric is supported too).

🗑 Removed

  • We've removed the Minetogether friends list and chat functionality until we can make it work in a more intergrated way. As it stood, it felt like a last thought. You can still use Minetogether in the App! :D

  • Featured servers have been removed from the homepage.

🔧 Changed

  • App layout code, watch out for anything that looks a bit funky... :D

  • Changed the original navigation sidebar to be all skinny, we're only showing icons right now but we plan on allowing users to expand the navigation sidebar back it's original looks in the future.

  • Expanded the apps default layout sizes to 1440x800. It gives the app some more room and lets the new cards have even more room!

  • App Licenses in settings is now a much simpler layout and scrolls both lists instead of showing one huge scrollable list!

  • Added curseforge and FTB logos to switch between searching for packs on FTB and CurseForge

  • Lots of minor design changes to make the app seem less... beta like

  • Made it much more clear when a Modpack is in Beta / Alpha versions

  • Removed the Login button on the left of the app, you can now log into MineTogether by using the Settings page under "Integrations"

  • "Instance / Modpack page: Open Folder and Delete pack buttons have been moved to settings"

  • Modpack server files are now on the website, you can still find the links to the server files on the App under the versions button on any Modpack Page.

🐞 Fixed

  • The Minetogether avatar looking like an egg...

  • Report screen (shown when the app fails to load) has been disabled as it didn't work...

  • A butt load of minor layout and functionality issues..., just too many to list